Living Our Faith
Morning Prayer
The entire school, led by our Campus Minister, reaches out to Jesus in prayer at the start of every day. Urgent needs and special family requests are prayed for, together.
Theology Class
Each student will participate in 4 years of theology while enrolled at Althoff Catholic. In the courses, they will learn about the Bible, authored by God, through inspiration and its value to people throughout the world. They will learn how to read the Bible and will become familiar with the major sections of the Bible and the books included in each section. Students will also be introduced to the mystery of Jesus Christ, the living Word of God, and the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. Theology will help students understand that it is only through Jesus Christ that they can fully live out God’s plans for their lives. Students are to learn the moral concepts and precepts that govern the lives of Jesus Christ’s disciples.
Mass is the spiritual anchor for the life of our entire school. The celebration of the sacred mysteries is available to our students twice a week: on Wednesdays as a whole school and optionally before school on Fridays.
Adoration - quiet time spent in prayer before Jesus present in the Eucharist. We have our campus chapel available for our students for adoration.
Penance Service twice a year for the entire school
Holy Days & Church Seasons are observed school-wide
Our retreats are an opportunity for us to come together as a community and address challenges we may be facing and grow in our faith in God.
Freshmen Retreats
The freshmen retreat program is a one-day, off-site program of renewal led by our Director of Campus Ministry. It focuses on breaking down social barriers, being your true self, and building a sense of Christian community through the example of Jesus Christ and the evangelism of St. Paul.
Sophomore Retreats
The sophomore retreat program is a one-day, off-site program coordinated by our Director of Campus Ministry. The retreat day is led by a nationally experienced Catholic retreat ministry team with a focus on resisting temptations, reconciliation, and virtue.
Junior Retreats
The junior year retreat program is a two-day, overnight event that takes place at Camp Ondessonk in Southern Illinois. This dynamic program, led by our Director of Campus Ministry, entices the students to a whole new level of Christ-centered living and Christian-community.
Althoff Catholic High School believes that service is an important part of life. Christ calls us to serve others, therefore it should be an integral part of our Catholic Faith. Through service, students learn the value of their Christian identity in practice, grow in their awareness of social issues, and commit to service to those in need. We offer several opportunities in which students may fulfill this important part of their life.
Senior Service Project
Through the Service Learning Project, seniors spend three weeks in full-time volunteer service. Students are placed in people-serving agencies throughout the community and are given an integrated service experience involving direct, person-to-person contact with those in need. This opportunity for service to others and for personal growth is so important to the Mission of the Catholic high schools and to the Christian formation of our students, that the satisfactory completion of the project is a requirement for graduation.
Soup Bus
Our students have the opportunity to meet the poor (especially children) in their own neighborhood, and personally serve them a meal. Sponsored by our Society of St. Vincent de Paul, the Soup Mobile Kitchen serves meals to children and adults in an underserved neighborhood of East St. Louis twice a month. The students and faculty raise money, buy and prepare food, and serve it to local residents.
Our students are asked to serve at funerals from time to time. Students can be released during the school day to assist and serve with local parishes and priests.