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Once a Crusader Always a Crusader

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

To all those who are now in the heavenly grace of God, we thank you for the impact you made on the lives of those who knew you. May you rest in peace in the perpetual light of the Lord. We will keep your family and loved ones in our prayers and may they be comforted by their memories and love for you. 


Within the past three months, Althoff has learned about the deaths of the following alumni or teachers. Underlined Names were added this week. Please keep our beloved Crusader community, their families and friends, in your prayers.

Col. Gary L. Poleskey - Class of 1966


Dennis Alberter    
Dennis Albrecht  
Timothy Battaglia   
Gregory Bevirt     
Darrell Bien   
Peter Bily    
Gary D. Biver     
James Biver   
Joe Bottani   
Michael Dehler  
Donald Duecker     
Robert Farrow   
Richard Feldt     
David Paul Fellner      
Stephen Edward Fischer      
Anthony Grimmig      
Michael Hammel      
Wayne Haukapp      
Lawrence Heafner     
Raymond Heitland  
Kenneth Herzing   
Dennis K. Hopfinger     
Kenneth Loren Huber     
James Karban     
William Kehl     
Jerome Kreitner     
Thomas Kronenberger  
Stephen J. Lauer     
Stephen Le Tempt  
Ralph Lugge     
Lawrence Mank     
Thomas Matysik     
Stuart W. Mauch     
James J. Maule, Jr.     
Gerold G. Mueller  
Raphael Neff  
Earl J. Oberbauer  
William Rudert     
Russel Scheibel  
Terrance Schmidt     
J. Thomas Schomber  
Thomas E. Schuchardt  
John Sintzel  
Leon Thouvenot  
David Tissier     
Michael Wahlig     
James Wandro  
Edward Willett  
Thomas Wolf  
James Wottowa  
Michael Yoch  
Peter Zeitler

Tillo R.P. Agne   
Thomas Behrman   
Bob Blair   
Robert Boul  
Michael Burns  
Richard Clark   
James Downs   
John Daniels  
John Dehler   
Gary S. Fahrner   
John Genetti  
Steve Graham   
Robert E. Halvachs   
Terry Hemann   
Michael Kanak   
Robert Kehl   
Kenneth Klein   
Paul Lauf   
Michael F. Martino   
Harold McDonald   
Ronald McFarling   
Bob McMullin    
Jim Oberneuefeman   
Michael Pasqualone   
John Pavlik  
Michael Phillips   
Anthony Pistor   
Col. Gary L. Poleskey  
William Roberts   
Larry Rolfingsmeyer   
Michael Roth  
Paul Schmidt   
Eugene Schneider   
Gary Schwaegel   
Frederick Stein   
Dennis Stockley  
James Touchette  
Jim Wessel  
Stephen Wiget  
Jack Yaekel   
Jan Young  
Joseph E. Zacharski

Robert Emig  
Leonard Playter  
Stephen Reissen  
Ronald Scher  
David Voegtle 

Barbara Davison
Camille Emig-Hill
William Gregor
Malcolm J. Katt
Richard Liberstein
Mitchell Mezyk
Rita Schwaegel

Aaliyah M. Cole
Douglas A. Partridge

Aaron Michael Bailey

Kristy Jeneene McCoy

Raymond Trenier Wiley

Jared K. Danielsen

Heather E. Karban

Lawrence A. Wirth

Michael P. Kelley

Brett Allen Korves 
Jennifer (Baudensteil) Miller

Tim S. Frazier

Alex James Berreman
Matthew Christopher Joy
Nicholas Peter Woesthaus

Capt. Eleanor "Ellie" LeBeau, USMC - Class of 2012

Patrick Dylan Fiore

Drew William Toennies

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Mega Raffle